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Village Land Shoppe - 3361 Kachina Trail - Flagstaff, AZ 86001- 928.525.1125 - 928.525.9284 Fax

Sample Cistern

Free Water! Water Collection.

So your off the grid and a well is out of the question, do you haul or have water delivered? Neither if you have a few things: An area that have at least precipitation a couple times a year, a metal roof, some cisterns and a pump and filter system. Remember to put cleats on the roof so the snow stays and melts instead of running off in sheets. Design the roof and gutters to fill your cistern and overflow to the next. Never pay for water again! The more cisterns the better, so when there is a good storm, you won't miss out. There are several people in Flagstaff that collect instead of haul.


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